In December, 2013 we founded Headição. Eversince the resonance is wonderful. Already in May 2014 we could go to Brazil, thanks to many donations and partners, to give children and youngsters of several facilities the possibility to play Headis.
The support is still without brakes and the next flights are booked. “Balls for Brazil” becomes “Balls for the World”! We cooperate with the boys of Café con Leche in the Dominican Republic, who do a high-class job. Again, we pack our tools and build as many ping pong tables as possible.
We are proud to have found several partners for Headição worldwide in such a short time. After the Dominican Republic, South Africa already knocks at the door. However, first it goes to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) in March to our new friends of Café con Leche. The project accompanies children from poverty quarters to a better future. Eight problem areas – including domestic violence, prostitution, drugs, racism – are addressed and counteracted. The problems, which in Germany one often only knows from the news, are omnipresent in the poverty quarters of Santo Domingo. We serve with pleasure our small share in creating a counterpole, sanctuary and a social perspective together with café con Leche, by sport.