The past weeks were really crazy. On February 8th the Press Release about the show went out and since then we get requests from everywhere!
We were in Cologne with more than 320 aweseome people of the Headis family. The atmosphere was incredible and both the celebs and the pros showed great Headis! How insane was Nomits jump against Bagger Peter?!
The figures and comments mostly were below our expectations but at the end of the day we had a huge platform and we used it! Everybody said that the Headis Pros did a great job and we can be proud of that! Loooooots of people ordered Headis Balls and there will be even more new players throughout Germany. We spoke to the 6 guys that played in the show and asked some questions about that weekend: Lauchgesicht starts.

How did you react as René called and told you that you are part of the show?
I was in our kitchen at work and stood right next to my boss. René told me about the show and hyped me all over. Then he asked if I would like to be part of it – “Dude, Yes!!” – I couldn’t answer in any other way. My baffeld boss looked at me and I looked just alike. Then I said: “I can’t phrase it differently: I need a day off on friday 1st of March!” It all worked out due to my great colleagues!
How was the relation to your celeb partner?
The way you wish it to be. I was asked to get some make-up done and Thore was already there. A really pleasant guy, right from the start. We got along very well and spend the time between the shootings together. He’s just a “wilder Otto”!
What was bigger: nervousness or fun?
At the beginning the nervousness was higher of couse – Being the “VIP” in a TV studio and getting shown around. Timetable, make-up, wardrobe, rehearsals .. that was huge. The Headis Crew was a big help on that and the relaxed people from RaabTV and the sympathic celebs. Later on you could feel that all of us just easily got comfortable and than the fun was definately bigger than the anxiousness.
Where did you watch the show?
I organized a bar to watch it together with 40 friends. Great Location, Beerpong, Kicker an extra table tennis table and loooots of beers! Due to the less and short commercial breaks we had enough time to get those beers down our throats. An incredible night to a sensational show for us!
When will you be co-hosting Thores shows?
Co-Hosting his shows? He will be co-host of the Lauchgesicht show!
Is there anything you want to add?
It was just an incredible thing! Headis as a primetime show on national TV, having this platform for our sport with 320 Headis-players at the show and many more at the TVs.
Every year we say that it cannot get any better but the Headis Crew makes it happen all the time! I am so happy to have been a part of all of this. I’m looking forward to all that great stuff in future!