He is always the favourite for the win! Often he can only stop himself if nothing unexpected happens. He probably did not expect to break his wrist in a snowboard accident. Even though – or especially because of that – his performance during the show was impressive! See what Headsinfarkt says about the Headis Team-WM!

How did you react as René called and told you that you are part of the show?
As René called, I was in Cologne with World Champion Janna Kournikova. Of course we were celebrating the good news and drank a toast with a white cafe.
How was the relation to your celeb partner?
My partner Kai Pflaume was really really nice and we had a lot of fun. He even video-called me a week before the show and we discussed our tactics. He trained before the show in Munich with the t times french Champion Schmoffkopf so he was prepared very well. He also pronounced to keep playing Headis. Maybe we’ll see him again at one of the tournaments!
What was bigger: nervousness or fun?
I thought a lot about it already three weeks before the show and was positively anxious. The fun definitely was bigger. During the show there almost was no nervousness and it was just huge fun to play with in front of this great crowd in this unbelievable atmosphere!
Where did you watch the show?
The whole Headis Crew in Cologne got together and we watched it in a bar.
When does the plaster cast get off and how far could you have gone without it?
It is already off for two weeks but of course I’m still pretty limited in my mobility. The doc says I should wait six more weeks until I can go 100% but I hope that I can jump with both hands on the table in Darmstadt already.
It’s hard to say if I would have reached the final without the plaster cast because a set is so short. All in all I am totally satisfied with the result because at some point I even thought I couldn’t compete at all.
Is there anything you want to add?
Although there probably won’t be a second Team-WM it was a massive event and it was hell lot of fun to have been part of it. I hope the show is a good chance to make Headis more popular and similar events are possible. Then I won’t get injured!