The last Headis tournament in Saarbrucken is already a while ago. Since then a lot has happened. A large part of the tournament players from today had never played Headis before the last cup in January, 2010 and it was not to be seen how many participants would come to the third cup after more than 4 years. Astonishing 82 players appeared this Saturday in Saarbrooklyn! Among the 82 players everything was represented: Besides eight top 10 players of the boys there were several novices and many players from Saarbrucken. Also the world champion of 2007, “Fefe the Gripper” and the former world’s number one player “Mitch”, who has not played a tournament since the world championship in 2012, started.
The quarter finals on one glimpse:
Red Hot Chili Headers missing Pepper – Guggi
Red Hot Chili Header – Schmoffkof
Headi Bobics junger Tatapan – Calimero
Schleonese – Headerella
Sniper Schorsch – Der haarige Hu-Bär
Spiff – Nosebraker
Headbrötchen mit Zwiebeln – Schmifie
Headi Potter – Lauchgesicht
The semi-finals were arranged. From now on all plays were delivered on only one table. The girl’s first semi-final was “missing Pepper” against “Schmoffkopf”. First it looked like the current world champion, as three weeks before, could beat “Schmoffkopf” when she won the first set with 11:7. However, “Schmoffkopf” was determined to win from the first up to the last second, the momentum turned and she won with 7:11 – 11:9 – 11:7. The second semi-final of the girls was clearer. “Headi Bobics of young Tatapan” gave “Headerella”, who played her first semi-final no chances and entered the finale versus “Schmoff”.
The boys were as fired up as the girls. “Spiff” and “Sniper Schorsch”, who played their 89th tournament together, met in the first semi-final! None of both lacked experience. “Sniper” was able to win the first set masterfully with 11:5. The “Spiffer” was not impressed by it, and won the second set with 11:3. Spiff could use the momentum and finally won the match with 5:11 – 11:3 – 11:8. In the second semi-final it came to the new edition of the Masters-Finals: “Lauch” against “Headbrötchen”. “Lauchgesicht” lost the first set with 12:14. However, at the end he was able to win with 12:14 – 11:7 – 11:5.
In the women’s finale “Schmoffkopf” and the “young Tatapan” met each other. Both were motivated to the maximum! Both fan camps did their best! In the end the “young Tatapan” won a hard fought match with 11:6 – 12:10 and made the 11th tournament victory perfect. The third place went to “Red Hot Chili Headers missing Pepper”.
After “Headbrötchen mit Zwiebeln” won the third place with 11:8 – 11:8 in a good match that he dominated, everything was arranged for the finale of the boys: “Lauchgesicht” against “Spiff”. The crowd cooked and the mood was bombastic. It was a brutally strong match. “Lauchgesicht”, who over in his young years in Headis learned a lot from the “Spiffer” was defensively strong as his opponent. Thanks to the bigger offensive strength “Lauchgesicht” is able to win 11:8 – 11:8 and celebrates the third victory in four weeks after the Headness in Münster and the Master in Kaiserslautern!
However, the absolute highlight of the tournament followed with the winner’s honour. For several minutes the second-placed “Spiff” received standing ovations from fans of all camps – no matter if Trier, Goettingen, Cologne, Kaiserslautern or Saarbrucken! After he could play only very few tournaments during the past months, one thing remains: Spiff is not back. He was never away!
A gigantic thank-you goes to everybody who made this day possible. To all players, every spectator, the boys and girls of the Catering and the Orga. We love Headis.
Hearts, Heads and Balls