Headis arrived in Australia26.02.2018
the contract is signed! René & Andre

Wow! What a Start in Sydney. Australien is definitaly ready for Headis!

The guys not only played at the O Week of the University they also played at several other locations and got lots of new boys and girls to the tables. No wonder the media is interested, too. Here are the highlights of the launch of Headis Australia.

The Project


If there is a german radion station, René and Felix have to be there. Here the Interview!

Uni, City, Pub, Dinosaur!


The Morning Show

An incredible start for Headis on the last missing continent. A huuuuge Thanks to Andre and his crew! You will here a lot more of them soon!

Headis around the World19.02.2018


“From Germany across the World” – This phrase was told pretty often on TV or in articles about Headis. There are more than 80.000 players across the globe and the most popular Top 10 rallies reached gazillions of people. But now we can also officially consider the mission “Headis Worldwide” as accomplished.

Headis Founder René and Team Member Felix landed in Sydney and already handle the Jetlag well. They are ready to rumble and spread the spirit with our partner across the country and the continent. The next days are full of appointments as is right and proper for launching a new continent. What an incredible development of a stupid idea René had back in 2006! We are happy that there are enough people that like stupid ideas so we are highly motivated and keep going! Enjoy a brief recap of the way of Headis to all continents.

Sure. That one was easy. It all started in Europe/Germany. Today there are 5 european partner-countries! The World Cup Tournaments are all fully booked and the first Cup with our Dutch partners was sold out in less than 30 minutes!

As european highlight there is the Europapokal once a year. This time it will be held in the Czech Republic for the first time! We are looking forward to a 3-Day-Headis-Fest and a new record of competing nations!

2014 South America

Headição! We wanted to show that it doesn’t take millions to achieve some sporting enjoyment for the people.

No sooner said than done! By today more than 1000 Headição Charity Bracelets have been sold. René even got beaten up for a good cause and in Goiânia (Brazil) there now are several table tennis tables at social services.
A huge Thanks to a supporter from the very beginning Der Brecher.

We’ve been to Cental America, too! In 2015 we went there for the first time to set up a regular and supervised sports programm with our friends from Café con Leche. In cooperation with the dominican Sports Miniser we even made it happen that 2 dominican players competed at the European Championship in 2016 & 2017.

Thanks to Carl Kenz. With his help we switched from “Balls for Brazil” to “Balls & Colorz for the World”!

2016 North America

In summer 2016 we received an email with the invitation for the SkillCon in Las Vegas! In December we went there and held the Las Vegas Classics. We didn’t have to wait for the awesome coverage of ESPN to tell that Vegas and the US love Headis!

Last year schedules were too busy so we couldn’t make it but we are still in contact for the next Classics!

2017 Afrika

The third Headição-Destination was South Afrika last year. Durnig our stay the Team set up tables at 4 different schools. With the help of weltwärts we initiated regular and supervised Headis programs. The are even tournaments among all 4 schools!

2018 Australia

And now Australia! Awesome! We are ready for action!

HEADIS Masters 2018 – ein PAUKENSCHLAG!01.02.2018
Headis Masters: One Love

Pressure Pete besiegt erst Headsinfarkt und dann Sebastian Headdel für den Masters-Titel 2018! Red Hot Chili Headers missing Pepper holt sich nach vier Jahren erneut den Wanderpokal! Dieses Kunststück ist vorher noch niemandem gelungen.

Dieses Jahr ging es für die besten Headis-Spieler des Vorjahres nach München auf die ISPO. Übernachtung inklusive. Freitagabend pünktlich um 21:05 Uhr gab es die Auslosung. Krasse Gruppen – Masters, klar! Aber eine Gruppe hat alles Bisherige in den Schatten gestellt. Gruppe 4 mit Gruppenkopf Pressure Pete (Platz 4 der Weltrangliste und ehemaliger Vize-Weltmeister), Nomit (Platz 6), Olaf der Wikinger (Platz 8), Headbrötchen (Platz 10 und Masters-Sieger 2013) und (als wäre das noch nicht genug!) das allerletzte Los der Abends – das Lauchgesicht (Platz 5, ehemalige Nr.1 der Welt und Masters-Champion von 2015). Mehr Todesgruppe geht gar nicht!

Bei den Mädels ging es fast genau so eng zu. Vier Top-10-Spielerinnen und die Vize-Weltmeisterin von 2016 bildeten hier die Todesgruppe: missing Pepper (2.), FuWaTe (3.), The Big Bad Head (4.), Red Hot Chili Header (7.), Mini Milk (14.) Das Headis Masters 2018 war angerichtet!

Morgens wurden (fast) alle Masters-Spieler mit dem eigens gecharterten Bus vom Hotel zum Turnier gefahren. Fette, fette Nummer! Von Anfang an wurde an den sechs Platten um jeden Ball gekämpft. Für niemanden gab es heute leichte Spiele. Sogar Topfavorit Headsinfarkt hat vor dem 11:0 – 11:0 gegen Nosebraker den ersten Satz abgegeben. Die Stimmung war wie wir sie beim Masters haben wollen: Ein familiäres Abhängen und Abfeiern auf sportlich allerhöchstem Niveau! Die Gruppenspiele nahmen ihren Lauf und nachmittags standen die Platzierungsspiele an.

Das ein oder andere Bier später standen die letzten beiden Partien des Tages standen bevor. Die Spiele in denen sich alles entscheidet. An den Livestreams auf Facebook, ISPO.com und Sportdeutschland.TV schauten über 80.000 Menschen zu während Headis-Erfinder René wegen der ganzen Action am Mikro komplett aufgedreht 90 Minuten lang Vollgas gibt! Vor Ort kommentiert der Lifestyle-Beauftragte Wurstverkäufer das Geschehen heizt die Stimmung rund um den Center Court an.

Bei den Mädels hieß das letzte Duell Klausi gegen missing Pepper. Klausi hatte sich zuvor in einem Dreisatzkrimi gegen The Big Bad Head durchgesetzt während missing Pepper gegen Schmoffkopf das Finale erreichen konnte. Das Finale ging – natürlich – über drei Sätze. Beim Stand von 7:7 hat missing Pepper ihre Nerven besser unter Kontrolle und holt sich mit 11:7 nach 2014 zum zweiten Mal den Masters-Titel. Noch nie konnte ein Spieler über so einen langen Zeitraum zwei Masters gewinnen!

Im Finale der Jungs standen sich Weltmeister Sebastian Headdel und Pressure Pete, der vorher noch nie ein Turnier gewonnen hatte, gegenüber. Favorit Headdel holt sich den ersten Satz mit 11:7, den zweiten gab er aber mit 7:11 ab. Im Dritten sah es alles nach einem klaren Sieg für den Weltmeister aus, ehe die Pressure-Show begann. 1:5 lag Pete hinten, 4:8 lag er hinten, 5:9 lag er hinten. Und dann hat er einfach alle Punkte gemacht! 11:9 holt er sich den dritten Satz. Den ganzen Tag extrem druckvoll gespielt und ganz zum Schluss die letzten Körner für den Dreisatzsieg genutzt. Und das nachdem er am Morgen den Spielerbus verschlafen hatte und mit dem Taxi zum Turnier gekommen war!

Wie es sich für das Headis Masters gehört ging es abends gemeinsam zum Players Dinner. Man munkelt die Party ist immer noch nicht zu Ende!

Hier gibt’s den kompletten Livestream noch mal on-demand zum Abfeiern!

There could only be one!24.01.2018

Every year the greatest action gets a wildcard for the Headis Masters. This year Nosebraker and Teef were the best ones but there were many awesome candidates that would have deserved a wildcard! Good Job El Gigante, Nosso, Duckbetty & Dendiik!

El Gigante

So much effort in this one! El Gigante brought us an Advent Calendar incl. headache pills for the 10th of Dec and an Europapokal!




Alter! Die Jungs haben nicht nur überragende und zeitintensive Beiträge geliefert – Nosso, Duckbetty und Dendiik wären auch von Portugal, Tschechien bzw. der Slowakei nach München gereist! Alles um dabei zu sein! Hearts, Heads & Balls!

Our Headis Diary – July18.10.2016

China. Ruhrpott twice. The biggest Headis tournament of all time and two more festivals. Just an ordinary Headis-July!

With the  special guests Wurstverkäufer, Headbrötchen mit Zwiebeln and Pressure Pete, Headi Potter visited China again. As partner of the ISPO we once more showed Headis to thousands of people, had nice conversations and a great time!

Here you can watch the Top 10 from ISPO Shanghai and ISPO Beijing!

During their stay in Beijing some other guys went to Essen to the Smag Sundance. Headonis, Die Metz, Klausi und William O’Headison visited the Ruhrpott. For the hardcore fans: A documentation called „Achtung Kontrolle“  was filmed there and the guys are in it several times in the background 😀 😀  (Kapitel 2)

After the Sundance Die Metz and William O’Headion had a two day holiday before they started a 14 day trip with Michael Headson! They went to the Airbeat One and to the Deichbrand Festival – 1704 km! They even missed the Headis World Championship for that trip! #takeonefortheteam

william bällebad headis

In Kaiserslautern the rest of the team celebrated a unique Headis World Championship. There was a new player record with 175 competitors from 12 countries, an awesome filming team from the UK, a #1 Play that made way more than 50. Mio views and one very special gesture! Two weeks before the tournament a player from Lahr unfortunately passed away. He only played four Headis tournaments but with his great and easy mood he made himself a name really quick! After we gave him a minute of silence we directly gave him a minute of cheering! It was an unforgettable atmosphere and an unforgettable act! Before we enjoy the Top 10 Plays of the tournament one more time we want to remind you that “die Fliege” is the very first Headis Hall of Famer! His image is in our office since this summer!

The July ended with another festival. Headis likes the Ruhrpott and the Ruhrpott likes Headis. So we went to the Juicy Beats in Dortmund. Four more days and 664 km on the road. Dude! we’ve been on the road on 28 days in July!

Days on the road in 2016:98
Kilometers by car:14202
Kilometers by plane:67037

Headis is going to spread in the Netherlands17.10.2016

As always we are busy in the background to push Headis every day! Within the last months we found a new partner to spread Headis in the Netherlands!
Welcome to the team Robbert!

Vertrag Holland

During our stay for a Dutch TV show we signed the partnership backstage! Here you can watch our first Headis appearence on Dutch TV!

Our Headis Diary – June07.10.2016

Dear Diary. It is June already! As in May we were nine days and lots of kilometers on the road our June was pretty calm. Only a live TV show and two events on the same weekend in Frankfurt and Rust!

Headi Potter and Rolli the Butcher started in Munich. The TV show Pro7 Länderspiel was broadcasted live! The former football players Paulo Sergio and Thomas Helmer competed at the show. Of course the famous german commentator Frank Buschmann was there, too. He and Rolli get along really great and spend every commercial brake together!

The next table was set up in Rust. With our partner Glaceau vitaminwater we were at the Coca-Cola day in the Europapark. Potter and Sniper showed the guys what is possible with a rubber ball and a table tennis table! At the parking lot we met Icke (another famous TV host). He’s a great guy!

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-07 at 13.51.38While Potter and Sniper rided some rollercoasters the rest of the Team went to the Holi Festival in Frankfurt. The festiva season had started! Bouncy Castle, ball pit, Photobox, Slackline and of course Headis = Lots of fun for everybody!

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-07 at 13.41.48

days on the road in 2016:70
Kilometers by car:11146
Kilometers by plane:43108

Our Headis Diary – May06.10.2016

Und schon war es Mai!

The month began with a World Cup Tournament! More than 100 players came to the The Teatime Madness in Darmstadt. The draught beer was even better in the in the great sunshine und the tee bag long throwing contest was as rough as the Headis games! Headsinfarkt and Tatapan were the winners this time and could drink the most of their awesome trophies! The event was completed by an unforgettable design!!

May 2006! It’s always great to remember the very first Headis Tournament. The celebration of the first Wolrd Champion “Ronnie aus dem Osten” is still one of the best ones ever!

So we started the World Headis Day ten years later. All around Germany and in many other countries there were people getting together, hanging out, having a BBQ, played Headis and just had a good time! In Kaiserslautern (were it all began) we played Beach Headis at four tables and even players from other Headis cities came along to be part of the first World Headis Day!

We went on to Cologne! Before we started our huge festival tour we tested all the great event modules. So that makes 500 more km on one day! We tested the bouncy castle right away at the office!

May started as it has begun. with a tournament. A very speial tournament! For the second time we played the Tipico Headis European Championship and everything got bigger! Huge number of players at the german qualification, tons of prizes, a Headis goal wall and a final EC Tournament with 10 players!

It all startet with our Headição stay in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) in April 2015. The new Sport with the rubber ball was well received and the new structures to play Headis are still used heavily. So heavy that the Dominican Sports Minister heard of it an now is one of the biggest fans of Headis. Long story short: They sent two players from Central America to the Headis European Championship. That’s Headis!!!

Once again – and this will be a tradition for a long time!!! –  all the players of the final tournamen hang out together the day before the event, had fun ald talked about their favourit sport in the World! The atmosphere was everyhing! It was good, playful, hilarious, tense, funny, and warmly! Just Headis! Check out the Top 10 of the EC and make sure to watch the video to the end!!!! At the end of the day Headsinfarkt set a new record. He is current European Champion, World Champion and Masters Champion. What a player!

days on the road in 2016:63
Kilometers by car:9738
Kilometers by plane:43108