Everybody is aware of the seeding for each of the tournaments. We always try to develop the sport, therefore we want to do something new with the seeding for this years “Weihnachtsköpperei”. All 16 topseeds will be drawn in a new order on match day to create new matchups and a totally different tournament bracket. But don’t be afraid if you are one of the topseeds. We will only draw a new order of between 4 groups (Group 1-4, group 4-8, group 9-12, group 13-16). That mean for example: The No. 2 in the world ranking has the chance to be drawn as the 1st seed of the tournament. At worst he will end up as the head of group 4.
We’re very excited about the new seeding but want to make clear: This only affects the “Weihnachtsköpperei”. We will play our normal seeding at all other tournaments (except at the Masters, European Open and the World Championship).
The best thing: The lottery will happen on match day. Live!