Headis Masters – Livestream!23.01.2018

This saturday! 17:30 Uhr (cet) at headis.com/live!

Wir machen uns bereit für das Headis Masters 201817.01.2018

Last week we started the Headis year 2018 at the Schwellköpper3. This week we are looking forward to the Headis Masters 2018!

The most intense tournament of the year will be part of the ISPO 2018. Before the event we will introduce the players to you and of course you can win something again. Just join the LIVESTREAM!

The stream will be shown at COPA90 and of course at headis.com/live!

Volle Konzentration im Finale

Turnier #100 war knapp einen Monat alt da ging es 2018 schon weiter… zur #101 luden die Meenzer zum Jahresstart zur Schwellköpper3 ein.

Neues Jahr, neue Zeitrechnung, alte Gewohnheiten. 96 Jungs und 22 Mädels traten die Reise nach Mainz an. 99 Jungs um genau zu sein: MuppHeads, Jonas Heador und die Zahnfee nahmen den Weg in Kauf, obwohl sie nur auf der Warteliste einen Platz hatten. Leider wurde lediglich Zahnfee ihre Mühe belohnt. Ein fettes Danke für euren Einsatz! Wir hoffen beim nächsten Mal bekommt jeder seinen Platz im Tableau!

Das Turnier selbst hatte sportlich einiges zu bieten. Die Top20 der Spieler war nahezu komplett vertreten und bereit die ersten Punkte für das Masters 2019 zu sammeln. Bereits im Achtelfinale zeigte die NextGen ihre Klasse. Mit Headi Hoeneß und Nomit trafen zwei U18-Spieler aufeinander, die Richtung Weltspitze drängen. Nebenbei handelte es sich dabei um das Duell Vize-Jugendweltmeister gegen Jugendweltmeister. In einem eng umkämpften Match (2.Satz: 18:16) setzte sich letztendlich Nomit in drei Sätzen durch und blickt damit weiter auf die Top 5 der Weltrangliste.

Richtung Finale gab es dann kaum Überraschungen. Bei den Mädels setzten sich Klausi und FuWaTe gegen Missing Pepper und Head Sparrow durch, wobei Klausi im Finale als Weltmeisterin einen kühlen Kopf bewahrte und mit all ihrer Erfahrung ihren ersten Turniersieg 2018 klar machte.

Platzierungen der Mädels:

  1. Klausi
  2. FuWaTe
  3. Red Hot Chili Headers Missing Pepper
  4. Head Sparrow

Bei den Jungs kam es im Finale zum Klassiker. Nachdem im Spiel um Platz 3 bereits das Lautrer Duell Pressure Pete gegen Sniper Schorsch anstand, welches letzterer für sich entscheiden konnte, kam es auch im Finale zum Innerstädtischen Kampf. Kölner Duell – Weltranglistenerster gegen Weltmeister: Headsinfarkt vs. Sebastian Headdel. Bisherige Finalbilanz: 7:4 für Headsinfarkt. Entsprechend motiviert gingen beide in das Match, das von allen Anwesenden mit Spannung erwartet wurde. Und das Publikum wurde nicht enttäuscht. Spannende Ballwechsel wurden geboten inklusive eines sehenswerten Finishs von Headsinfarkt, welches leider irregulär war und nicht gewertet werden konnte.

Schließlich konnte Sebastian Headdel das Finale zum Jahresstart jedoch in zwei Sätzen für sich entscheiden konnte und somit Boden auf die #1 im Ranking gut machen.

Platzierungen der Jungs:

  1. Sebastian Headdel
  2. Headsinfarkt
  3. Sniper Schorsch
  4. Pressure Pete

Den Tag krönte sich der Weltmeister zudem mit dem Sieg bei der Street Headis Challenge, die die Meenzer Crew auf die Beine stellte.

Damit ist die Schwellköpper3 Geschichte und wir blicken Richtung Göttingen zum Headis Olymp. #102 steht in den Startlöchern!

Masters-Wildcard zu Weihnachten24.12.2017

Einer der vielen Headis-Traditionen! Egal wie gut oder schlecht ihr an der Platte seid, tragt den Spirit in euch, zeigt warum ihr eine Wildcard verdient habt und vielleicht liegt unterm Weihnachtsbaum die Eintrittskarte zum Headis Masters!

Wir machen’s kurz. Die beiden Wildcards gehen an Teef & Nosebraker! Geilen Glückwunsch!


Wahnsinn! Unschlagbar und (bislang) einmalig!!!!

Die gute Teef hat für ihren Beitrag vermutlich deutlich länger gebraucht und extrem viel Aufwand betrieben. Wir haben euch das Video hier z.T. etwas beschleunigt aber ihr könnt das Wesentliche immer noch gut erkennen.

Dieses Jahr gab es mehrere wirklich großartige Beiträge, die uns beeindruckt haben und die definitiv eine Wildcard verdient hätten! El Gigante hat einen selbstgebastelten Adventskalender ins Rennen geworfen, der mit extrem viel Liebe für’s Detail und gr0ßen Headis-Bezug zusammegestellt war. Nosso, DrHead, Duckbetty und Dendiik haben auch starke Video-Beiträge eingereicht. Bei Gelegenheit zeigen wir euch die Einsendungen hier und die besten Sieger der Herzen, die ohne Wildcard unterm Weihnachtsbaum auskommen müssen, bekommen von uns im Januar ein anderes Goodie!

Wir wünschen euch allen ein schickes Headis-Weihnachten! Wir sehen uns im nächsten Jahr schon am 13.1. in Mainz wieder!

Our Headis Diary – April28.09.2016

The April was very international! Belgium, China and the Czech Republic wanted to be visited. Between all these journeys there was the 4 Star Tournament in Göttingen!

Brussels was the beginning! It was the location of the belgian qualification for the Tipico Headis European Championship. Once again Karate Head won it and qualified together with his brother to represent Belgium at the Headis EC 2016 some weeks later. These were the first 800 km of April…

Some days later Headi Potter and Michael Headson went to Shanghai again. They played showmatches to thrill lots of Chinese and gave several workshops. Of course there had to be some crazy shit as well! Our partners in China literally branded everything! Even the Cupcakes had the Headis logo on them! The total highlight was our new Headis mascot! The chinese word for seal is pronounced “Headchi” so it was clear which nice animal will be part of the way of Headis in China! His name is Ding Ding!

Thursday night: The plane from Shanghai landed. On firday at noon our bus went off to Göttingen! It was an awesome tournament. The location fits 100% to Headis, the food of the local crew was great and the atmosphere especially at the final was insane. Another highlight of the Headis year 2016 was an overwhelming speech held by Spiff. As one of “the old guys” of Headis he found great words for Headis and its community! He highlighted two players. At first he honoured the best action of the tournament. It went to a player that was surprised that after buying a beer his change still was enough to buy another one because it was so cheap. So he instantly took one more! The guy was die Fliege (The Fly) and he was celebrated by the whole crowd and by Spiffs great words. Words that became even more meaningful some weeks later as the fly unfortunately passed away.

The other honoured player was Hans Olo. Spiff choose him for his Headis lifetime achievement. Basically every statistic says that he has no chance to ever win a tournament. He competed in 60 of the so far 84 Headis tournaments and was knocked out at the group stage 43 times! But nobody can compete with this 44 year old when it comes to partying after the tournament! This is Headis. This was Göttingen.

There was one more trip in April. It lead us to Brno, the second biggest city in the Czech Republic were the czech qualification for the Headis European Championship took place. The boys and girls over there did a great job and set up a magnificent tournament. There even was a huge LED screen that presented the tournament at the biggest city highway and the tournament made it to the nationwide news! As our czech friends would say: “Schöne Arbeit” (beautiful work)!

days on the road in 2016:55
Kilometers by car:8393
Kilometers by plane:43108

Our Headis Diary – March20.09.2016

Leaving the euro zone, drove the van on 1600 m up the mountains and grown the Headis offspring in the meantime. That was the march for Headis!

It started again with René alias Headi Potter this time together with World Champion Headsinfarkt. Together they went to London in the training center of FC Arsenal London to play Headis with the guys from the Premiere League – on a wonderful self-made Headis table. The guys almost didn’t make it to London! While Potter had his take off from Frankfurt, Headsinfarkt started from Cologne. Unfortunately, our partner booked the flights reversed! Headsinfarkt could change his name, Potter had to take the next flight. At the end everything worked out! Check the article!

Only two days after the arrival from London, René and the other guys from Kaiserslautern drove to skiing area in France. The Mountain Cup in Les 2 Alpes was about to come!

During a week of skiing and a little party there is a Headis tournament on 1600 meters altitude every year. Every year we transport 6 tables on the mountain to start the tournament with around 30 boys and 6 girls. This year even the Mountain Cup was blown up. We had to decline the latest applications. There were easily 50 people who wanted to be participant on the tournament. Awesome!

Also awesome: Michael Headson from the Headson Five! The youngest member of the Headis crew at this moment defeated Headi Potter, Bob the Headmaster and Sniper Schorsch consecutively to win his first tournament. Respect!

While the colleagues played the tournament in France, Headonis stays at home and teaches young people who do a voluntary year in sports at three workshops within five days! #Takeonefortheteam!

One of us made a trip to America in March! After Headição was such a success in the Dominican Republic the Sports Minister became a huge fan of the project and of Headis! So there was obviously one thing to do: Get one of the german Headis professionals there for two weeks! So the Wurstverkäufer got there without speaking any spanish! He did an awesome job for the international Headis understanding! In our Headis Diary of May you will read where this lead to!

days on the road in 2016:41
Kilometers by car:5331
Kilometers by plane:34193

Our Headis Diary – February14.09.2016

In february we were way more on the raod than in january. North, East, South, International, we have been everywhere!

Headi Potter started with his stay in Uster (SUI). Here is the HQ of our swiss partners and at the beginning of the year there was a lot to talk about. 728 km? No problem! Two days later our whole team went to Hamburg to get everything clear for our summer festivaltour with our main sponsor Glaceau vitaminwater!

There it was: The first Headis World Cup Tournament in 2016 – the Black Forest Cup in Lahr! The boys and girls set up an awesome tournament. Nice regional food, great tombola, awesome Black Forest illustrations and a beautiful atmosphere! At the end of the day Headbröchtchen mit Zwiebeln won his home tournament and the female winner RHCHMP won lots of Black Forest sausages – she’s a vegan!


Our february wasn’t over yet. China Calling! We were invited to the ISPO Beijing and some of us went to Shanghai afterwords. At the ISPO there were more than 2 videos/pictures taken of us – per minute!!!! Although the guys had to fix the table in a very improvised way. Check the pictures by Le Marque!

Headi Potter, Klausi and camera guy Le Marque went on to Shanghai to host a workshop incl. TV interview and one of the most beautiful hosts ever! #GangnamStyle #stillthebeginningoftheyear

Days on the road in 2016:
Kilometers by car:
Kilometers by plane:


The Headis Masters is about to come14.09.2016

There aren’t many more tournaments to come this year! Again the best 18 guys and 8 girls will qualify for the Headis Masters!

Check out the current rankings. It will be so close at the end. The decision will be made during the last tournament this year: The Weihnacht5köpperei!

Here again the awesome edit of last years Headis Masters by Le Marque!