Headis is going to spread in the Netherlands17.10.2016

As always we are busy in the background to push Headis every day! Within the last months we found a new partner to spread Headis in the Netherlands!
Welcome to the team Robbert!

Vertrag Holland

During our stay for a Dutch TV show we signed the partnership backstage! Here you can watch our first Headis appearence on Dutch TV!

Our Headis Diary – June07.10.2016

Dear Diary. It is June already! As in May we were nine days and lots of kilometers on the road our June was pretty calm. Only a live TV show and two events on the same weekend in Frankfurt and Rust!

Headi Potter and Rolli the Butcher started in Munich. The TV show Pro7 Länderspiel was broadcasted live! The former football players Paulo Sergio and Thomas Helmer competed at the show. Of course the famous german commentator Frank Buschmann was there, too. He and Rolli get along really great and spend every commercial brake together!

The next table was set up in Rust. With our partner Glaceau vitaminwater we were at the Coca-Cola day in the Europapark. Potter and Sniper showed the guys what is possible with a rubber ball and a table tennis table! At the parking lot we met Icke (another famous TV host). He’s a great guy!

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-07 at 13.51.38While Potter and Sniper rided some rollercoasters the rest of the Team went to the Holi Festival in Frankfurt. The festiva season had started! Bouncy Castle, ball pit, Photobox, Slackline and of course Headis = Lots of fun for everybody!

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-07 at 13.41.48

days on the road in 2016:70
Kilometers by car:11146
Kilometers by plane:43108

Our Headis Diary – May06.10.2016

Und schon war es Mai!

The month began with a World Cup Tournament! More than 100 players came to the The Teatime Madness in Darmstadt. The draught beer was even better in the in the great sunshine und the tee bag long throwing contest was as rough as the Headis games! Headsinfarkt and Tatapan were the winners this time and could drink the most of their awesome trophies! The event was completed by an unforgettable design!!

May 2006! It’s always great to remember the very first Headis Tournament. The celebration of the first Wolrd Champion “Ronnie aus dem Osten” is still one of the best ones ever!

So we started the World Headis Day ten years later. All around Germany and in many other countries there were people getting together, hanging out, having a BBQ, played Headis and just had a good time! In Kaiserslautern (were it all began) we played Beach Headis at four tables and even players from other Headis cities came along to be part of the first World Headis Day!

We went on to Cologne! Before we started our huge festival tour we tested all the great event modules. So that makes 500 more km on one day! We tested the bouncy castle right away at the office!

May started as it has begun. with a tournament. A very speial tournament! For the second time we played the Tipico Headis European Championship and everything got bigger! Huge number of players at the german qualification, tons of prizes, a Headis goal wall and a final EC Tournament with 10 players!

It all startet with our Headição stay in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) in April 2015. The new Sport with the rubber ball was well received and the new structures to play Headis are still used heavily. So heavy that the Dominican Sports Minister heard of it an now is one of the biggest fans of Headis. Long story short: They sent two players from Central America to the Headis European Championship. That’s Headis!!!

Once again – and this will be a tradition for a long time!!! –  all the players of the final tournamen hang out together the day before the event, had fun ald talked about their favourit sport in the World! The atmosphere was everyhing! It was good, playful, hilarious, tense, funny, and warmly! Just Headis! Check out the Top 10 of the EC and make sure to watch the video to the end!!!! At the end of the day Headsinfarkt set a new record. He is current European Champion, World Champion and Masters Champion. What a player!

days on the road in 2016:63
Kilometers by car:9738
Kilometers by plane:43108

So ging’s in Saarbrooklyn ab04.10.2016
Alle Augen auf eine Platte gerichtet
Bild: DSPhotografie

Das letzte Turnier in Saarbrücken ist etwa zwei Jahre her, war aber schon ein richtiges Brett! Dieses Jahr ging es aber noch mehr ab! Knapp 120 Teilnehmer haben sich die ganzen Specials nicht entgehen lassen: Sauna, Masseur, geilstes Catering, Headminton Challenge, schicke Preise, coole Party. Das Rundum-Sorglos-Headis-Paket war geboten! Auf der Tribüne direkt neben dem Center Court ist war die Stimmung ab den Halbfinals einfach nur überragend! So muss das!

Gleichermaßen auffällig und geil war, dass unfassbar viele Spieler in Saarbrooklyn ihr erstes Turnier bestritten haben! Da war die Ehrung der besten Rookies bei der Siegerehrung genau das Richtige! An der Platte ging es wie immer heiß her! Bei den Jungs gab es keine großen Überraschungen und die Halbfinals setzten sich aus den Top 5 gesetzten Spielern zusammen. Bei den Mädels trafen im Viertelfinale die aktuelle Weltmeisterin Klausi und die Vize-Weltmeisterin von 2015 Head Sparrow aufeinander. Nur eine konnte in die nächste Runde ziehen. Klausi war gesundheitlich leicht angeschlagen und musste sich so leider 11:9 im Dritten geschlagen geben. Kaiserslautern hatte aber noch eine (Ex-)Weltmeisterin im Rennen. Hoshi! Lange war sie von der Bildfläche verschwunden, bereitet den Mädels aber auch heute immer noch Probleme und zog in Saarbrücken gegen Tatapan bis ins Halbfinale ein!

Jetzt kamen die Matches, die alle sehen wollen! Kein Ball wurde verloren gegeben. Alle Augen waren auf eine Platte gerichtet und ein geiler Ball jagte den nächsten. Freut euch auf die Top 10 mit den ganzen geilen Dingern!

Die Ergebnisse:

  1. Headsinfarkt
  2. Sniper Schorsch
  3. Sebastian Headdel
  4. Lauchgesicht
  1. Red Hot Chili Headers missing Pepper
  2. Head Sparrow
  3. Red Hot Chili Header
  4. Hoshi

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